FACET-II Science Workshop 2017

Date: 17 - 20 Oct, 2017
Location: Kavli Auditorium, SLAC

FACET-II is a new user facility that will provide unique capabilities to develop advanced acceleration and coherent radiation techniques with high-energy electron and positron beams. FACET-II provides a major upgrade over current FACET capabilities and the breadth of the potential research program will make it truly unique.

A baseline design for FACET-II has been established that progressively increases capabilities in three distinct stages and is captured in the FACET-II CDR and TDR​. Stage one completes a new photoinjector at Sector 10 and re-establishes operations with high-energy high-brightness electron beams. Stage two will add a new positron damping ring system and allow user runs with high-current positron beams. Stage three will upgrade the chicane in sector 20 for simultaneous delivery of positrons and electrons to the experimental area.

By offering bunch charge ranging from pC to nC, emittance from nm to microns, electrons and positrons, single and double bunches, tailored current profiles of up to nearly 100kA and energy up to 10GeV FACET-II provides experimental capabilities unparalleled anywhere in the world. By leveraging the additional infrastructure afforded by SLAC’s laser group, the FACET laser systems provide multi-terawatt peak powers with state of the art synchronization approaching 10fs.

The FACET-II team is organizing the third of a series of workshops to discuss the scientific opportunities of this new facility, and refine the technical requirements to ensure maximum impact during early operations and into the future. The focus of the current workshop is to asses and chart the development of key technologies needed to to execute the envisioned FACET-II science program.

Registration (closed)


Start TimeSession TopicPresentationPresenterAffiliation
09:00 amOverviewWorkshop IntroductionMark HoganSLAC
09:15 amOverviewFACET-II Project UpdateVitaly YakimenkoSLAC
09:45 amOverviewFACET-II Capabilities: e-, e+,
 two-bunches, sailboat: extreme
 peak current, non-neutral 
fireballs etc
Glen WhiteSLAC
10:30 am Coffee Break  
11:00 amOverviewHigh Level Summary of (external link)
Anticipated Experimental(external link)
 Program @ FACET-II(external link)
Mark HoganSLAC
11:30 amEmittance preservation
 & pump depletion
Energy doubling with 
emittance preservation
 and pump depletion
Chan JoshiUCLA
12:15 pm Lunch  
01:15 pmEmittance preservation
 & pump depletion
Plasma sources with
 density ramps (Li oven + 
apertured controlled gas
Ken MarshUCLA
01:45 pmEmittance preservation
 & pump depletion
Differential pumping: 
IP integration & performance
Christine ClarkeSLAC
02:15 pmEmittance preservation
 & pump depletion
Plasma source with optically (external link)
generated density ramps(external link)
Mike LitosUC Boulder
02:45 pmEmittance preservation 
& pump depletion
Emittance measurements:
 Butterfly technique and
 implications for spectrometer
Brendan O'SheaSLAC
03:15 pm Coffee Break  
03:30 pmEmittance preservation 
& pump depletion
FACET-II diagnostics 
Nate LipkovitzSLAC
04:00 pmEmittance preservation 
& pump depletion
Novel diagnostics and 
beam phase space recovery
Claudio EmmaSLAC
04:30 pmEmittance preservation 
& pump depletion
Expected beam performance
 with stability analysis
Glen WhiteSLAC
05:00 pmEmittance preservation 
& pump depletion
Benefits of a zig-zag 
compression design for
Yichao JingBNL
05:30 pmEmittance preservation
 & pump depletion
06:00 pm Adjourn