FAQ: Proposing FACET Experiments
What beam diagnostics are available in FACET that I can access when running my experiment?
The following paper gives a summary of the available beam diagnostics in FACET:
It describes:
1). Beam Position Monitors
2). Toroidal Current Monitors
3). Energy Spectrometers
4). Transition Radiation Monitors
Descriptions can also be found here for various instruments and capabilities at FACET-II:
How much space can I get for my experiment?
The following URL takes you to a page where the beamline is described. Look for the Solid Edge drawings. These show the optical tables where the FACET experiments are installed. There are four different experimental setups and the two tables are a toal of 24 feet in length. In principle an absolutely outstanding proposal could use the entire space (although this is extremely unlikely!). We make every effort to accommodate all experiments and if this requires de-installing existing experiments, we can do it. It's usually a question of resolving scheduling difficulties, minimizing risk and being able to do the work safely. Note that for up-to-date information, existing users should go to their assigned Point of Contact.
(Scroll to the bottom : Optics, Maps & Beamline)
How much help can I expect from SLAC after my experiment is approved?
You will need to develop your plan for the experiment with assistance from people at FACET-II and also other users. We will typically ask for your plan and then identify areas where perhaps there can be improvement. It is likely that the plan will need to be revised based on our feedback. There is no problem in giving us plans with assumptions and questions as we will work with you to improve it.
More details on plans and procedures can be found here: https://facet-ii.slac.stanford.edu/user-resources/faq/exp-running
You are also likely to need help with the hardware. We will organise and perform the installation, sometimes with your assistance depending on the tasks (e.g. tasks that require an "expert" such as installation of a rubidium oven or alignment of optics with a class 4 laser may be better performed by experimenters with experience from their home institutions). All long-haul cables are installed by SLAC staff as are gas lines. Vacuum work is typically done by SLAC staff or under SLAC staff supervision. We can also review the design and advise and assist as required.
What beam parameters can I expect from the FACET facility?
The nominal FACET beam parameters are listed in the following URL:
What type of research can I do at FACET?
There were a series of Science Workshops that ended in 2019 that explored scientific possibilities using the FACET-II facility. The 2019 Science Workshop page links to previous workshop reports and is a good place to start:
Some already published results are in the following URL:
The best way to find out is to attend workshops such as AAC (Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop) and talk directly with FACET-II team members and to attend the FACET-II Program Advisory Committee meetings:
How can I request additional time for an existing experiment?
Existing experiments have their progress reviewed on a biennial basis by the Program Advisory Committee at the request of the FACET Division Director.
This typically requires a short presentation to the PAC at a meeting. The presentation should describe the progress and future plans for the experiment
Existing experiments don't need to resubmit a proposal unless there has been sufficient change to merit it being considered a new experiment or test beam. We recommend emailing points of contact within the facilities for case-by-case guidence on what is "sufficient".
Where can I go to get an overview of the FACET-II proposal process?
New proposals will be solicited every other year. Proposals are peer reviewed by the Program Advisory Committee (PAC). .
The following URL describes the FACET-II proposal process:
What is PAC?
PAC is the Program Advisory Committee and it reviews all experimental proposal for FACET-II. If you look at previous PAC meetings, you will see names of committee members.
What do I have to do if I have a brand new FACET-II proposal?
The following URL describes the process for new FACET-II proposals: