Departure Procedures
You must leave your dosimeter behind when you leave to return to your home institution. For your convenience, we also have dosimeter return boxes in NLCTA Control Room and the ESA Counting House.
Please also turn in any keys you have been issued.
If you plan repeat visits to SLAC, keep your SLAC ID badge for easy entry. Show your SLAC badge at security for site access and collect a dosimeter as described in the Arrival process.
Equipment, tools and samples that have been in the accelerator enclosure during operation of the beam are considered potentially radio-activated until released following an official radiological survey. Materials which have measurable induced radioactivity may only be located in Radiologically Controlled Areas at SLAC and may not be taken offsite by the user. We can arrange shipping to your home institution if the institution has a suitable licence- coordinate with your facility POC.
Leaving for good?
If you are leaving and have no plan to return (i.e. your experiment is complete or your involvement in the experiment has come to an end), hand your SLAC ID badge to the VUE Center and inform the FACET User Administrator that you are no longer a FACET&TF User. (Email
Any parking decal, keys or other SLAC property must also be returned.
It is very important that you inform us so we can proceed to close computing accounts and remove you from the active users list in the human resources database.
Your status can be re-activated (with training history intact) upon re-registration through the usual registration procedure. Computing accounts can be opened by re-submitting the account application form though previous data will not be automatically restored.
Feel free to leave the mailing lists (instructions are in the footer of emails sent on the mailing list) but if you do, we advise you to join the low activity "facet-interest" mailing list to receive announcements of FACET&TF User Meetings.
To subscribe, send an email to LISTSERV@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU. The subject doesn't matter, but the text should say subscribe facet-interest.