New User Registration

Steps to Become a FACET & Test Facilities User :
Please read instructions carefully and complete steps 1 through 5. If you have questions, email Ivan Rajkovic ( and/or Nadya Smith (
Note: Applications received without the applicant appearing on a list of members for an invited proposal will not be approved. If your registration is rejected, this is most likely the reason why. Please have your PI/Spokesperson update the participant list.
There are new arrival instructions for Foreign Nationals, so please look at the new arrival instructions!
I want to reiterate again (because all the above sentences are still being ignored) You Need To Follow These Steps Through To The End And Then Follow The Arrival Instructions.
You will need to register as a FACET and Test Facilities User. Please do this even if you are an existing employee, student, or a user of another facility. Click here to go to the Registration Portal and select "Register". New users should select FACET as the facility and 'Unspecified' for 'Beam Line/Instrument'
If you have an existing account with other facilities at SLAC (SSRL, LCLS, or MeV-UED), your credentials will work in this Portal as well. You will be able to add the new facility to your profile by logging in with your usual email address and password and going to "User Information - Personal Profile".
Your application will be processed, and if you do not already have one, a SLAC ID will be issued. This usually takes up to 4 working days (Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm) however it can be much longer for non-US Citizens born in or otherwise affiliated with certain countries. If you have not heard anything within 4 days, email Ivan Rajkovic (FACET-II User Coordinator, or Nadya Smith (the FACET-II Admin,, who can follow up with the VUE center.
Questions about International Office and Use Agreements may be answered in our FAQ.
FACET has a mailing list to convey important information to FACET&TF users. You must sign up for the list in order to receive announcements.
To subscribe to the mailing list for FACET Users, send an email to LISTSERV@SLAC.STANFORD.EDU. The subject doesn't matter, but the text in the body should say "subscribe facet-users".
After this point, you need your SLAC ID. Move onto step 3 when you receive your SLAC ID. You can skip steps 3 and 4 if you are a "remote" users and only need a computing account.
The confirmation email with the SLAC ID has been known to get lost (also, those that are already registered do not get a new confirmation email if they re-register). You can instead locate your SLAC system ID number on your SLAC Directory page.
To complete the web based training, you need your SLAC ID#. Go here: You can use your Windows computer account if you have one (see below on getting computing accounts). Note all you need for training is the SLAC ID. A Windows computing account is not necessary though it will allow you to access additional resources.
If you have forgotten your SLAC ID, you can instead locate your SLAC system ID number on your SLAC Directory page.
When each course is completed, credit for completing the course will be downloaded into the SLAC training database. There is a test at the end of each course, and typically a passing grade of 80% or better is required to receive credit. Sometimes there is an IT glitch, and completed training is not correctly recorded in the database. We, therefore, ask that you save a copy of the "certificate" you receive at the end of the training.
Need assistance with finding your ID# or getting the password, or running java? Go to the help page!
NOTE: We are seeing unpredictable behavior with various browsers on different platforms. We recommend you use Internet Explorer on a Windows computer and to save a copy of your certificate of successful completion at the end of all online training modules.
You are expected to complete the following web based training courses prior to arriving on site - don't leave this to the last minute:
- Course 219 - Environmental Safety and Health Orientation
- Course 115 - General Employee Radiation Training (GERT)
- Course 120 - Work Planning and Control Overview (WPC)
- Course 116 - Radiation Worker 1 Training (RWT1)
- Course AD112 - Accelerator Control Room Orientation for non-Operators
Additional training requirements may be identified for Users who plan to perform particular types of hazardous work while they are SLAC.
New for 2020, the following course was developed and is voluntary in case you would like some information on Covid protocols:
- Course 100R: COVID-19 Training for Onsite SLAC Employees and Users
Course 116 may be waived for other individuals who will not be doing hands-on work and only need access to the control room, meeting rooms or offices. Inform Ivan if this applies to you. What you can do at SLAC will be restricted and Ivan will explain how.
Move onto step 4.
Additional questions about training may be answered in our FAQ. Specifically, if you want to use class 4 lasers, check out the FAQ and the additional training requirements.
Once at SLAC, you will complete the following training:
- Course 116PRA - Radiological Worker I Training Practical. (Approximately 1 hour duration, registration required).
- Orientation of the facility in which you learn the dos and don’ts for the area. in which you will work. This is "Course AD103 - FACET Tunnel Hazards" for FACET Users. You may also be asked to take "Course AD106 - End Station A (ESTB) Orientation", or "Course AD108 - NLCTA Orientation" if you work in the other areas managed by FACET & Test Facilities Division. (Approximately 30 minutes duration each).
Schedule your practical sessions and the orientation when you know your date of arrival at SLAC by emailing Ivan Rajkovic ( Ivan will arrange for a trainer.
We advise experiment teams to arrive on site together so they can train together (training group size ~6 is optimal, but we can accommodate smaller and larger groups). Usually, the single Point Of Contact for an experiment will coordinate the details with Ivan for the entire team.
Move onto step 5.
A SLAC computing account is required to access to some data and electronic logbooks.
It is also used to access the daily healthcheck tool- unless you are proven to be vaccinated, it is mandatory to use this healthcheck tool each day you come on-site.
Apply for a SLAC computing account well before you plan to start working at SLAC. We have seen it take two weeks to get computing accounts in the past though turnaround is usually much faster depending on staff availability.
Follow the instructions here. You won't be able to access the form so you will need to provide the information to your supervisor Ivan Rajkovic (
- Provide all the information this page requests
- Top tip: make sure the email address you use for this is something permanent as if your SLAC computing account is deactivated, they can use your off-site email account to verify who you are
- Complete the following training within 5 days of being given your computing account: Course CS100 - Cyber Security Training for Lab Users or Course CS200 - Cyber Security Training for Employees (if you are a SLAC employee)
This cyber security course must be taken every year to keep the account active. Failure to keep this training up-to-date will lead to computer account deletion (all data in the account will be lost). Other things will also lead to the automatic deactivation of your account, such as not using the account for more than 2 months or not updating passwords every 6 months. Please see our FAQ for more details on computing accounts.
Windows accounts should be automatically enabled for VPN access (VPN guide is here), but to use VPN you also need to have enrolled for DUO Two-step Authentication. Computing help and resources can be found on their site.
Now read the Arrival instructions linked here. Before you travel to SLAC, read the Arrival instructions again as both a refresher and in case anything has changed in SLAC's access policy.