FAQ: General Information
What the definitions of some often used FACET acronyms?
The following are some ofeten used acronyms when talking about FACET:
FACET -- Facility for Advanced Accelerator Experimental Tests
OTR - Optical Transition Radiation
PAMM -- Planned Access for Maintenance and Modifications / Planned Access for Machine Maintenance. (Note: if this is for an extended period of time, we may also use the word "downtime").
Where can I find a summary of acronyms used at SLAC?
At SLAC we refer to SLAC acronyms as "SLACspeak" and they can be found at the following url:
What are the URLs for some of the more useful sites for FACET-II users?
The google drive is here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ik9mZ0esMjWZ7iJfy6KC1krYB0hhXE6H?usp=sharing
The FACET-II confluence page is here: https://confluence.slac.stanford.edu/display/FACET/FACET-II+Home
What are the major organizational units within SLAC responsible for FACET?
The responsibility for FACET is within the FACET&Test Facilities Division, part of the Accelerator Directorate.
The Accelerator Directorate Org Chart is found here.
The FACET & Test Facilities Division Org Chart is found here.
How do I ship items to SLAC?
Not that this only applies to items that have not been in an accelerator environment and are not activated. Items that require special arrangements such as these should be identified in the safety review process. See the separate FAQ question on shipping activated materials.
If you are a FACET user, you can send items to the Access coordinator or your experiment POC who will look after the item until it is needed.
Address the shipment to
[Name of SLAC employee to receive]
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
If you are shipping from overseas, use our Customs Broker (Green Worldwide Shipping LLC) and leave at least two weeks for the shipment to pass through customs.
Customs broker information is here:
In our ongoing effort to minimize shipping delays, it is of the utmost importance to mark all paperwork with the following information:
- Item full description (including the manufacturer, part number, and serial number)
- How many pieces are in this shipment?
- What is the intended use?
- Declare value of each item
Note: It is of the utmost importance that the value of the outgoing shipment, replicates the incoming shipment value. - Export Classification Number. This identifies the level of export control for the items
- Schedule B (Identify all goods and services for export) https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/schedules/b/index.html
- Is this a temporary or Permanent export?
- Country of Origin (Where the product was manufactured)
Mark the Paperwork as Follows:
To be cleared through customs in San Francisco by Green Worldwide Shipping (USA), Inc.
Phone: 650-918-6776
Mobile: 650-690-6408
Email: slac-imports@greenworldwide.com
Please note that SLAC is exempt from paying duty. If a common courier clears a shipment as an "informal entry", SLAC will pay duty.
Who is the SLAC Customs Broker?
Green Worldwide Shipping LLC
433 Airport Blvd., Suite 310
Burlingame, CA 94010
Tel: 650-348-2211
Email: SLAC-import@greenworldwide.com
How do I ship radioactive material from SLAC?
1) Survey items outside of the accelerator housing with NaI and GM pancake detectors to determine if radioactive or not.
(Top of stairs, User trailer)
2) If not radioactive, the Users can prepare e shippers as non - radioactive material or hand carry to their destination.
3) If Radioactive, RP performs a gamma spectroscopy analysis to:
Determine isotopes and radioactivity.
4) Based on #3 results, RP determines if it is a "Regulated" or Unregulated shipment.
5) Either way RPFO will prepare shipping documents to the receiver.
6) Users supply the receiver's Radiation Safety Office contact phone numbers, address.
7) RP will verify the receiver's radioactive material licenses to have radioactive materials
8) RPFO may assist Users in packaging items.
9) RPFO will take items to Shipping and receiving department for shipment.
10) FACET supplies charge number for shipping costs.
The whole process may take 5 days or so.
How to I ship things out of SLAC?
The Shipping and Receiving website (requires SLAC login) contains instructions. If you don't have a charge number because you are not SLAC staff, ask Nadya Smith.
How to I ship items to SLAC that are activated or have been within an accelerator facility?
Radioactive items can be received by SLAC's Radiation Protection department. Even if an item is surveyed to be below background, if it has been in an accelerator facility, it should also be sent to the Radiation Protection department. Standards across labs (and countries) can vary.
Please coordinate through Ivan Rajkovic (rajkovic@slac.stanford.edu) to relay the following information and make arrangements:
1) Who owns the device?
2) How long will the device remain at SLAC?
3) What is the radiological nature of the device (surveys, measurements etc.)?
4) Contact name for further questions.
You cannot send radioactive material to SLAC until you get approval from Radiation Protection.