Performance Metrics: User Time for FY23

The beam parameters in these summaries, when present, are obtained automatically from the accelerator control system. They have not been vetted and particularly during this commissioning period, treat with caution.

Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while 
Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Energy Transfer Efficiency in a Plasma
 Wakefield Accelerator

Shift Start: 2022-12-09 18:00:00

Requested Beam Time (hours)​:64.0 ​​Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch):​ Not Available
​Useful Beam Time (hours):64.0​Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns):46.0
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours):​0.0Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns):23.08
​Unscheduled User Downtime (hours):​0.0 ​Bunch length (rms, microns)​:23.64 ​​
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours):​64.0

Brief Summary:

The IP pressure was shown to be stable in both long term operation using the differential pumping system, 
and stable against any single pump failure within the system. This demonstrates that the differential 
pumping system can safely support operating the lithium oven without solid Be-windows in the beamline.



Experiment: E301 - Tailored Plasma Source for Emittance Preservation in Plasma Wakefield Acceleration
 and High-Brightness Plasma-Injected Beams

Shift Start: 2022-12-08 18:00:00

Requested Beam Time (hours)​:7.0 ​​Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch):​ Not Available
​Useful Beam Time (hours):7.0​Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns):46.0
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours):​0.0Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns):23.08
​Unscheduled User Downtime (hours):​0.0 ​Bunch length (rms, microns)​:23.64 ​​
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours):​7.0

Brief Summary:

Successful shift where we demonstrated raster scan technique and observed curious beam-ionized argon.



Experiment: E327 - Virtual diagnostic for phase space prediction and customization at FACET-II

Shift Start: 2022-12-08 00:54:45

Requested Beam Time (hours)​:5.0 ​​Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch):​ Not Available
​Useful Beam Time (hours):7.0​Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns):46.0
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours):​0.0Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns):23.08
​Unscheduled User Downtime (hours):​0.5 ​Bunch length (rms, microns)​:23.64 ​​
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours):​7.5

Brief Summary:

Collected first data measuring bunch length in injector and correlating variation with other injector parameters



Experiment: E301 - Tailored Plasma Source for Emittance Preservation in Plasma Wakefield 
Acceleration and High-Brightness Plasma-Injected Beams

Shift Start: 2022-12-06 19:00:00

Requested Beam Time (hours)​:4.0 ​​Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch):​ Not Available
​Useful Beam Time (hours):4.0​Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns):46.0
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours):​0.0Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns):23.08
​Unscheduled User Downtime (hours):​0.0 ​Bunch length (rms, microns)​:23.64 ​​
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours):​4.0

Brief Summary:

Remote, concurrent, laser alignment through both the EOS setup and the axicon lens was successfully completed.



Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving 
Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Energy Transfer Efficiency in a Plasma Wakefield Accelerator

Shift Start: 2022-12-06 19:00:00

Requested Beam Time (hours)​:1.0 ​​Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch):​ Not Available
​Useful Beam Time (hours):1.0​Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns):46.0
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours):​0.0Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns):23.08
​Unscheduled User Downtime (hours):​0.0 ​Bunch length (rms, microns)​:23.64 ​​
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours):​1.0

Brief Summary:

Dispersive quad scan data was collected of offline analysis with the beam in
 pencil beam mode and with the IP dispersion minimized.



Experiment: E326 - Non-Intercepting Diagnostics for High Intensity Beams and Computer Control

Shift Start: 2022-12-02 18:00:00

Requested Beam Time (hours)​:4.0 ​​Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch):​ Not Available
​Useful Beam Time (hours):6.5​Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns):46.0
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours):​0.0Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns):23.08
​Unscheduled User Downtime (hours):​0.0 ​Bunch length (rms, microns)​:23.64 ​​
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours):​6.5

Brief Summary:

We are trying to eliminate systematics in our non-destructive diagnostic by collecting more data.
 We also investigated improving the ML model by extending the range of values we use to collect data.