Performance Metrics: User Time for FY22

The beam parameters in these summaries, when present, are obtained automatically from the accelerator control system. They have not been vetted and particularly during this commissioning period, treat with caution.
Experiment: E331 - Neural network based tuning to exploit machine-wide sensitivities in pursuit of high beam quality Shift Start: 2022-08-21 02:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 6.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully ran Bayesian Optimization on sextupole movers to optimize beam size near the IP. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-08-20 17:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.5 | | |
Brief Summary: A complete dataset was taken to identify the transition of beam-plasma interaction from plasma-lensing to pwfa to filamentation regime. |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, extremely Shift Start: 2022-08-20 14:45:10 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The beam was focused to the smallest size on the solid targets and we saw faster burn through of the targets |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-08-19 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.5 | | |
Brief Summary: Successfully recovered laser alignment and achieved spatio-temporal overlap of the laser pulse and the electron beam. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-08-18 19:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 4.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We attempted a measurement to identify 3 different regimes of beam-plasma interaction, the plasma lens regime, the PWFA regime and the filamentation regime. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Energy Shift Start: 2022-08-17 06:00:06 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 11.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Multi-GeV acceleration by PWFA was observed for the first time at FACET-II, and greater than 3 GeV |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-08-14 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The E300 program today was to continue to characterize beam ionized hydrogen and optimize deceleration to gauge beam-plasma |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-08-13 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 13.75 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.75 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 13.75 | | |
Brief Summary: E-320 found spatial & temporal overlap between the electron beam and the main laser at the E-320 interaction point, the t0 signal was consistent with |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, extremely-dense gamma-ray Shift Start: 2022-08-12 18:00:24 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Data was taken for single-shot interaction Nearfield-CTR focusing data and data to assess the physics of beam-induced foil damage. |
Experiment: E308 - Extreme Focusing in Vacuum with a Passive Plasma Lens Shift Start: 2022-08-11 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 5.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The axilens focus was optimized on the elongated 2cm gas jet. When beam was delivered, the plasma was overlapped with the e-beam. |
Experiment: E308 - Extreme Focusing in Vacuum with a Passive Plasma Lens Shift Start: 2022-08-10 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.5 | | |
Brief Summary: After installation of reflective telescope for the ionizer probeline to reduce B-integral by a factor of 10, we still did not see signs of laser-ionization. |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-08-06 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully verified probe/e-beam t0 using the EOS setup. The E-320 focal spot was successfully recovered, we could bring the YAG alignment / timing target into |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Energy Shift Start: 2022-08-04 18:00:52 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We observed consistent beam-ionized plasma glow as well as beam energy loss in plasma on multiple cameras under different |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, extremely-dense gamma-ray Shift Start: 2022-08-03 18:32:15 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 4.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.5 | | |
Brief Summary: Data was collected for different bunch length compression settings to identify a potential focusing effect from near |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-08-02 18:00:59 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 10.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.5 | | |
Brief Summary: Managed to recover laser alignment onto diagnostics and insert alignment target after fixing motorisation during a guarded access last week. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-08-01 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.5 | | |
Brief Summary: Beam-based high-precision measurements of the laser-procuded plasma and of the afterglow signal were recorded. |
Experiment: E336 - Feasibility studies of the FACET-II beam interaction with CNT materials Shift Start: 2022-08-01 01:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The beam was sent into a lead glass nanotarget. A small damage was observed and characterized, |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, extremely-dense gamma-ray Shift Start: 2022-07-31 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 7.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 7.5 | | |
Brief Summary: We showed that the beam damage in Al foils is very sensitive to bunch compression, and demonstrated the possibility to recover optimum compression |
Experiment: E325 - Automatic tuning for high gain low energy spread and low variance PWFA Shift Start: 2022-07-30 15:00:06 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 11.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We took many datasets. We discovered a correlation between beam energy and arrival time on EOS. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-07-29 20:15:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 7.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Electron energy spectra were acquired to compare with known energy losses to commission the main spectrometer screens |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-07-27 21:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 7.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We studied beam ionization of our hydrogen gas jet at high plasma densities, with the first observation of the beam |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Energy Shift Start: 2022-07-27 17:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.0 | | |
Brief Summary: A static fill of helium was achieved with differential pumping active in the IP area for the first time (5 Torr). The beam created a plasma and the |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-07-26 17:00:08 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Managed to recover laser alignment onto the microscope objective cameras following a new alignment procedure. Did not manage to insert |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, Shift Start: 2022-07-25 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Successfully validated data acquisition tools to characterize the beam coming out of the solid targets. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-07-24 12:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 13.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 13.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The shadowgraphy diagnostic was commissioned in its high-resolution version successfully with ionization front clearly visible on the camera. |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, Shift Start: 2022-07-17 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 3.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Successfully drilled foils and tested target mover raster scans. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-07-15 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Pressure and waist scans of laser-ionized He gas jet. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a Shift Start: 2022-07-14 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We developed quad scan and energy calibration tools that will be critical to future shifts. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-07-12 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Commissioning of diagnostics and procedures for the E305 experiment. Data of interaction of electron beam with laser-ionized plasma gas in a gas jet was taken. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-07-12 12:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.5 | | |
Brief Summary: For the TCAV measurements, we have data sets that show timing correlation between EOS and TCAV and data sets that show no timing correlation. |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-07-10 15:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.5 | | |
Brief Summary: The Experiment 320 tried to recover laser alignment remotely. We were able to successfully transfer the laser to the vacuum beam |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-07-08 16:35:41 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We used the TCAV to measure the longitudinal phase space in sector 20 scanning the electron bunch length from under compressed, |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-07-08 16:35:41 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We used the TCAV to measure the longitudinal phase space in sector 20 scanning the electron bunch length from under compressed, |
Experiment: E308 - Extreme Focusing in Vacuum with a Passive Plasma Lens Shift Start: 2022-07-07 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We made a few mistakes recovering the alignment, gasjet was at the wrong position. Once we solved that alignment was straight forward. Tried going to the expected energy for ionization (10 mJ at targer, this is 10x where we expect to ionize). Shadowgraphy was increasing in energy as expected. so no laser energy problem. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-07-06 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.0 | | |
Brief Summary: EOS timing had shifted from our previous reference. This could be due to a different positon of the EOS removal assembly mover. Once EOS signal was found, setup behaved as expected. Strong signal difference between the two arms. Should be carefully tuned |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Energy Shift Start: 2022-06-18 16:00:20 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Spectrometer DAQ scan implemented and used to perform emittance and energy spectrum scans. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-06-18 16:00:20 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Spectrometer DAQ scan implemented and used to perform emittance and energy spectrum scans. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-06-17 16:00:37 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully found the synchronization of the shadowgraphy diagnostic and observed the laser-induced ionization trace in the large-fov configuration. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-06-16 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
Brief Summary: - We aligned the probeline, went without problems. - We aligned the Greene (e-beam vector laser) to overlap with the e-beam. - Checked that we did not hit the crystal with e-beam - Sent e-beam - Could directly see EOS effect from bouncing e-fields (?) after the e-beam had passed - Did a timing scan to see brghtest signal - Adjusted laser energy - Redid timing scan, found timing window - Collected DAQ data |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity beams, Shift Start: 2022-06-13 18:00:23 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We made progress on the Fast DAQ development for 1Hz and imaged the e-beam on DTOTR and Gamma cameras. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-06-09 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Our goal was to measure laser/e-beam t_0 at the level of 1 picosecond. We did it! |
Experiment: E326 - Non-Intercepting Diagnostics for High Intensity Beams and Computer Control Shift Start: 2022-06-09 19:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The goal for this shift was to exercise a new camera that collects synchrotron radiation that encodes the beam size. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-06-05 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 7.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Confirmed the beam vector for tomorrow's PAMM and improved the alignment technique. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-06-04 18:00:47 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Tools and procedures were developed for spectrometer diagnostics. |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-06-02 22:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Saw first plasma at FACET II. Timed gas jets and main facet laser. Determined operational range |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2022-06-01 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Demonstrated the effectiveness of the differential pumping system while operating the gas jets and determined the range of gas jet |
Experiment: E326 - Non-Intercepting Diagnostics for High Intensity Beams and Computer Control Shift Start: 2022-05-16 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.25 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.25 | | |
Brief Summary: This shift we progressed on developing a quad scan that measured the divergence of a beam by collecting edge radiation. |
Experiment: E331 - Neural network based tuning to exploit machine-wide sensitivities in pursuit of high beam quality Shift Start: 2022-05-13 18:02:24 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 11.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We performed a characterization of the injector emittance at 1.8nC using an efficient sampling algorithm (Bayesian exploration). |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-05-13 21:00:29 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 0.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.5 | | |
Brief Summary: Did not manage to recover alignment sufficiently to accomplish our goals. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-05-13 18:15:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We aligned the beam into the picnic basked using references on IPOTR2 after losing the references when pumping down to vacuum. |
Experiment: E332 - Near-field-CTR-based self-focusing in beam-multifoil collisions: towards soliddensity Shift Start: 2022-05-11 18:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.5 | | |
Brief Summary: Gained an understanding and experience operating the machine at 1 Hz, and developed the tools |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a Shift Start: 2022-05-10 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We searched for electron beam/laser overlap on EOS crystal. We learned valuable lessons on how to |
Experiment: E308 - Extreme Focusing in Vacuum with a Passive Plasma Lens Shift Start: 2022-05-08 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Tested if we could ionize the gas sending more energy into the probeline. Could not see ionization. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a Shift Start: 2022-05-07 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Experience was gained on using the spectrometer electron diagnostics |
Experiment: E308 - Extreme Focusing in Vacuum with a Passive Plasma Lens Shift Start: 2022-05-06 16:58:22 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Mapped gas load from the installed D = 5 mm gas jet ranging from 5 psi above atmosphere to 1200 psi. |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2022-05-02 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Program this evening was to test out alignment procedures for sending high energy laser into the experimental area without damaging equipment. |
Experiment: E320 - Probing Strong-field QED at FACET-II Shift Start: 2022-03-13 13:00:53 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 0.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 0.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 1.5 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 1.5 | | |
Brief Summary: In this laser-only shift, we practiced the fully remote alignment of the laser beam transport and E320 assembly. Following our alignment procedure, we managed to swiftly recover the focal spot on our diagnostics and then proceed to optimise and characterise it. |
Experiment: E331 - Neural network based tuning to exploit machine-wide sensitivities in pursuit of high beam quality Shift Start: 2022-02-27 12:00:09 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We compared optimization methods for the injector emittance and match at the new laser wavelength of 253 nm Multiple optimization methods were used, overall the minimum emittance we reached was 3.3/3.71 um in x/y compared |
Experiment: E300 - Energy Doubling of Narrow Energy Spread Witness Bunch while Preserving Emittance with a High Pump-to-Witness Shift Start: 2021-12-17 10:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We checked out readiness of the E-300 lithium oven to support upcoming PWFA experiments. |
Experiment: E327 - Virtual diagnostic for phase space prediction and customization at FACET-II Shift Start: 2021-12-17 08:13:08 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We took the first compression data for the LPS virtual diagnostic. Model to be trained soon! We continued comparing injector emittance |
Experiment: E305 - Beam filamentation and bright gamma-ray bursts Shift Start: 2021-12-14 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 3.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: The new high resolution camera, DTOTR1, was successfully checked out and E305 image data acquired. |
Experiment: E331 - Neural network based tuning to exploit machine-wide sensitivities in pursuit of high beam quality Shift Start: 2021-12-11 12:25:30 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Ran Bayesian exploration for characterization of the injector, along with a high-dimensional optimization |
Experiment: E331 - Neural network based tuning to exploit machine-wide sensitivities in pursuit of high beam quality Shift Start: 2021-12-04 08:00:16 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We continued characterizing the injector emittance and used ML models to optimize both the emittance and match at the injector exit. |
Experiment: E325 - Automatic tuning for high gain low energy spread and low variance PWFA Shift Start: 2021-12-02 20:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: We accumulated tens of thousands of shots of data on multiple profile monitors throughout the machine. |
Experiment: E327 - Virtual diagnostic for phase space prediction and customization at FACET-II Shift Start: 2021-11-28 12:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Successful testing of Bayesian methods for efficient characterization and |
Experiment: E327 - Virtual diagnostic for phase space prediction and customization at FACET-II Shift Start: 2021-11-20 08:12:21 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Successfully tested gathering training data for ML based prediction and optimization of injector emittance. |
Experiment: E327 - Virtual diagnostic for phase space prediction and customization at FACET-II Shift Start: 2021-11-17 17:44:57 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 46.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.08 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
Brief Summary: Tested software necessary to robustly run and save quadrupole scan emittance measurements while simultaneously recording multiple |