Performance Metrics: User Time for FY15
"The beam parameters in these summaries, when present, are obtained automatically from the accelerator control system.
Typically emittances and bunch length measurements are taken before a shift starts.
The beam intensity number represents the maximum value of the data taken during the shift.
As such these numbers give some idea of the beam parameters during the shift and should be used with extreme caution."
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-06-08 08:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.92 ± 0.21 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 20.61 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 17.07 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 31.92 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: Explored wide range of parameter phase space. Did not observe acceleration at the expected gas pressure |
Experiment: E225 - Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-06-07 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.89 ± 0.32 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 40.72 ± 35.43 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.97 ± 19.05 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 49.73 ± 27.23 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We made a hollow channel, sent a beam through it, and measured the accelerating and decelerating fields. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-06-07 04:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.85 ± 0.46 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 31.92 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 33.23 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 28.88 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We continued the study if beam wiggles and plasma filament wiggles, by performing transverse scans and pressure scans. |
Experiment: E217 - Ionization and down-ramp injection proposal by the E200 team Shift Start: 2015-06-06 16:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 11.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.66 ± 0.48 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 180.5 ± 374.63 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 52.66 ± 61.03 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 48.02 ± 26.51 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 11.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Parameters affecting the ionization trapping and acceleration of electrons were studied. Data shows that substantial amounts |
Experiment: E225 - Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-06-05 23:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 11.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We made and diagnosed a hollow channel plasma. |
Experiment: E224 - Visualization of electron-driven plasma wakefield accelerators Shift Start: 2015-06-05 05:15:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.23 ± 0.14 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 0.75 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 30.94 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.63 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 24.65 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 0.75 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Enhanced ionization of the plasma column was observed over a very large range of transverse shifts of the kinoform |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-06-03 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.23 ± 0.21 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.98 ± 13.07 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 25.71 ± 8.21 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 31.27 ± 9.86 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: Attempted the Trojan horse injection plasma wakefield acceleration. However, the current diagnostic |
Experiment: E217 - Ionization and down-ramp injection proposal by the E200 team Shift Start: 2015-06-02 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.91 ± 0.37 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 72.27 ± 86.94 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 61.11 ± 33.73 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 29.94 ± 6.12 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Injected helium into PWFA in order to create low emittance narrow energy spread beam. Searched for ionized injected electrons, varied QS and plasma density. |
Experiment: E213 - Temporal Limits of Electron-Phonon Interactions Shift Start: 2015-06-02 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.01 ± 0.14 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 33.34 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 23.99 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 28.02 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully exposed new type of samples to short electron bunches. We will evaluate the mechanical effects of strong electromagnetic field on |
Experiment: E225 - Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-06-01 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 15.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.0 ± 0.17 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 15.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.5 ± 16.73 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 25.13 ± 4.13 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 29.48 ± 2.14 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Big step forward for the hollow channel experiment. Demonstrated |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-05-30 17:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.94 ± 0.4 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 77.69 ± 88.06 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 14.66 ± 10.39 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 58.99 ± 49.79 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We did complementary characterization of the hydrogen source. In particular we characterized an |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-29 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.97 ± 0.33 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 34.56 ± 2.79 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 79.5 ± 152.14 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 14.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 34.31 ± 6.15 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 28.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 50% | | |
Brief Summary: E210 successfully did dark current reduction scans in full charge, fully compressed plasma waves in a 90/10 H2/He mixture. Axicon-preionized |
Experiment: E224 - Visualization of electron-driven plasma wakefield accelerators Shift Start: 2015-05-29 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.8 ± 0.65 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 36.46 ± 7.54 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 48.05 ± 90.88 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 39.35 ± 10.68 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: E224 is becoming the precision diagnostic we hoped it would be. |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-29 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 18.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 13.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 5.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 18.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: First attempt of laser triggered electrons acceleration with the Trojan Horse Plasma Photocathode |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-27 20:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.02 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 32.52 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 16.58 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 27.38 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: The Trojan Horse lens's capability of ionizing a 27 Torr 90/10 Hydrogen/Helium-mixture has been tested. No plasma filament was observed. |
Experiment: E212 - Radiation from GeV electrons in diamond with intensities approaching the amplified radiation regime Shift Start: 2015-05-24 12:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.94 ± 0.22 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 32.52 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 16.58 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 27.38 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Took 10,000-shot data with undulator crystal aligned, in amorph orientation, empty target holder, and apparatus out-of the way. |
Experiment: E212 - Radiation from GeV electrons in diamond with intensities approaching the amplified radiation regime Shift Start: 2015-05-24 12:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.94 ± 0.23 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 32.52 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 16.58 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 27.38 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: A bent crystal was used to study the dynamics of planar channeled electrons. |
Experiment: E203 - Single-shot determination of the time profile of fs long bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation Shift Start: 2015-05-23 13:20:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.96 ± 0.19 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 34.75 ± 3.84 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 24.98 ± 9.44 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.76 ± 2.11 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: A detailed study of the polarization of Smith-Purcell radiation was conducted, depending on the |
Experiment: E218 - Single-Shot Imaging of THz-Induced Switching in IT Materials Shift Start: 2015-05-22 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.93 ± 0.27 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 277.22 ± 208.77 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 50.12 ± 14.85 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 30.78 ± 12.24 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: This experiment was designed to explore the possibilities of using the FACET CTR THz |
Experiment: E218 - Single-Shot Imaging of THz-Induced Switching in IT Materials Shift Start: 2015-05-21 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.85 ± 0.47 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 86.95 ± 72.71 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 33.22 ± 15.91 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 24.11 ± 8.29 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: This was the first shift on THz pump on VO2 with 800 nm probe. |
Experiment: E218 - Single-Shot Imaging of THz-Induced Switching in IT Materials Shift Start: 2015-05-20 21:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.9 ± 0.39 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 47.59 ± 12.88 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 25.5 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 29.71 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: This was a checkout shift after the PAMM recovery to test the |
Experiment: E203 - Single-shot determination of the time profile of fs long bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation Shift Start: 2015-05-18 21:40:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.78 ± 0.48 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 31.39 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 26.01 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 24.95 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The modified system was tested. The data acquisition chain is working. Some issues with the detectors were detected which |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-17 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.95 ± 0.28 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 47.42 ± 57.31 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 143.21 ± 270.06 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.66 ± 2.97 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary:
The EOS diagnostic at cube 3 is a success! In preparation for Trojan horse experiment, The timing t0 for the plasma imaging is found to be 548.81 ns, with the delay stage set to -28.4 mm. Dark current studies are performed with different beam waist position and plasma densities.
Experiment: E203 - Single-shot determination of the time profile of fs long bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation Shift Start: 2015-05-16 13:40:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.88 ± 0.34 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 15.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 41.66 ± 12.54 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 48.71 ± 29.79 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 36.78 ± 12.61 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The azimuthal distribution of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation was studied at 5 different values |
Experiment: E204 - Proposal for testing of metallic structures periodic structures at FACET Shift Start: 2015-05-15 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.13 ± 0.3 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 56.64 ± 76.79 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.2 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 36.23 ± 30.09 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 20.73 ± 3.38 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.2 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 98% | | |
Brief Summary: We study physics of rf breakdown in sub-THz accelerating structures. Every experiment
Experiment: E203 - Single-shot determination of the time profile of fs long bunches by means of coherent Smith-Purcell radiation Shift Start: 2015-05-14 13:40:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.91 ± 0.43 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 43.19 ± 40.24 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 6.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 57.5 ± 26.49 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.1 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 25.46 ± 7.64 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 14.6 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 13% | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully tested our equipment and confirmed that it works. We studied the intensity of the signal as function of the beam-grating |
Experiment: E218 - Single-Shot Imaging of THz-Induced Switching in IT Materials Shift Start: 2015-05-11 09:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.9 ± 0.36 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 37.51 ± 1.79 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.19 ± 17.94 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 25.5 ± 4.91 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 70% | | |
Brief Summary: E218 requires a fully compressed high-charge electron beam to generate THz radiation. |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-10 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.94 ± 0.19 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 31.91 ± 1.7 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 19.85 ± 11.78 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 49.18 ± 58.59 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: We measured and characterized the electro optic (EO) signal for two different |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-09 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.91 ± 0.38 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 43.82 ± 14.96 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 3.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 39.61 ± 6.59 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 40.37 ± 23.93 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 93% | | |
Brief Summary: We characterized e-beam interaction with laser-induced plasma in H2/He mixture |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-05-08 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.04 ± 0.24 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.03 ± 6.84 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 8.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 94.05 ± 121.76 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 34.37 ± 6.25 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: E201 continues to investigates different aspects of dielectric wakefield and THz generation |
Experiment: E217 - Ionization and down-ramp injection proposal by the E200 team Shift Start: 2015-05-04 16:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Too much dark current. No energy gain in preformed plasma. Confirm plasma oscillation wavelength is shorter at higher fill pressure E217 solenoid is down until next PAMM on May 12. |
Experiment: E213 - Temporal Limits of Electron-Phonon Interactions Shift Start: 2015-05-04 11:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.98 ± 0.35 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 59.08 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 21.61 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 134.42 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 1.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully exposed new type of samples to short bunches. We will evaluate the effect of strong electromagnetic |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-05-03 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.99 ± 0.35 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 41.65 ± 10.18 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 22.5 ± 3.52 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 42.97 ± 3.68 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: A Dielectric Wakefield structure was run in a drive-witness scenario and more data was taken. |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-03 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.02 ± 0.27 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 35.84 ± 1.76 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 22.8 ± 4.02 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 42.97 ± 3.68 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 80% | | |
Brief Summary: * We observed EO signals on all three crystals described in the goals. * We observed EO signals on IP box EOS1 and Cube1 EOS2 at the same time by compromising the laser timing and two delay stages.
Experiment: E217 - Ionization and down-ramp injection proposal by the E200 team Shift Start: 2015-05-02 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.92 ± 0.5 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 55.59 ± 17.78 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 48.05 ± 21.96 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 45.61 ± 22.86 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: First experiment for ionization injection with the laser available for preforming a Hydrogen (H2) plasma. |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-05-02 18:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.0 ± 0.33 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 0.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 48.33 ± 9.91 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 52.56 ± 26.87 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 71.94 ± 29.6 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 0.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 600% | | |
Brief Summary: Observed IP box EOS1 signal with 500um ZnTe crystal:
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-05-01 22:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 7.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.92 ± 0.47 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.5 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 20.84 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 43.12 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 7.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: More data was taken using a driver-witness modality to study the wakefield nature of Dielectric |
Experiment: E225 - Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-04-30 20:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.81 ± 0.63 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 34.97 ± 2.68 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 34.94 ± 26.59 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 31.24 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully tested our optic and demonstrated that we can ionize |
Experiment: E204 - Proposal for testing of metallic structures periodic structures at FACET Shift Start: 2015-04-27 15:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.86 ± 0.51 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 63.36 ± 43.43 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 84.79 ± 87.17 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 19.94 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 95% | | |
Brief Summary: We continue explore new field - properties of accelerating structures and physics of RF breakdown frequencies. During this shift we found that the breakdown signals from 200 GHz traveling wave
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-04-27 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 16.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 72% | | |
Brief Summary: Very faint EO signal was observed on EOS1 using the 500 um ZnTe crystal. Performed timing scan to resolve signal during post-processing. EOS2 failed because of the dead IPOTR1 camera No filament observed with e-beam only;Obvious filaments observed in H2/He gas mixture Different scans were performed to characterize the e-beam interaction in the H2/He gas mixture. |
Experiment: E204 - Proposal for testing of metallic structures periodic structures at FACET Shift Start: 2015-04-25 17:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.92 ± 0.39 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 34.36 ± 8.81 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.2 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 33.88 ± 9.49 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 19.94 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.2 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 81% | | |
Brief Summary: We explore new field - properties of accelerating structures and physics of RF breakdown in |
Experiment: E213 - Temporal Limits of Electron-Phonon Interactions Shift Start: 2015-04-25 15:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.82 ± 0.57 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 50.36 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 25.93 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 19.94 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 1.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 200% | | |
Brief Summary: We successfully exposed new type of samples to short bunches. We will evaluate the effect of strong electromagnetic |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-20 10:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.06 ± 0.32 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 29.84 ± 1.43 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 58.4 ± 31.35 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 25.35 ± 10.17 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 100% | | |
Brief Summary: We ionized hydrogen with the kinoform. That's cool. |
Experiment: E217 - Ionization and down-ramp injection proposal by the E200 team Shift Start: 2015-04-19 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.0 ± 0.47 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 13.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 45.55 ± 19.98 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 30.57 ± 12.49 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 30.96 ± 24.01 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 14.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Experiment E217, designed to produce a ultra-short and low-divergence electron bunch at 10's |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-18 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.9 ± 0.61 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 67.05 ± 14.77 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 86.67 ± 175.71 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 27.19 ± 10.12 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The laser still has legs. After re-locating peak compression for grating motor position |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-17 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.8 ± 0.71 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 34.62 ± 6.81 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 43.98 ± 17.55 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 26.8 ± 6.09 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Investigated acceleration in H2 plasma. Observed several GeV of acceleration at > 6 torr pressure, |
Experiment: E209 - Study of the Self-Modulation of Long Lepton Bunches in Dense Plasmas and its Application to Advanced Acceleration Techniques Shift Start: 2015-04-16 16:02:02 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.06 ± 0.4 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 43.92 ± 7.79 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 131.9 ± 195.91 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 21.44 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The alignment between the electron beam and the laser beam (plasma) is important when the plasma radius |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-04-15 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 1.8 ± 0.66 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 50.34 ± 15.15 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 52.15 ± 23.15 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 23.99 ± 2.42 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 10% | | |
Brief Summary: * Attempted to find t0 with plasma, but vacuum pump problems prevented * Moving on, we used the last recorded t0 values and scanned a 1 ns range * We concluded that the polarization of the probe lasers must be incorrect |
Experiment: E209 - Study of the Self-Modulation of Long Lepton Bunches in Dense Plasmas and its Application to Advanced Acceleration Techniques Shift Start: 2015-04-14 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.08 ± 0.42 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 38.11 ± 6.95 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 52.73 ± 24.11 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 3.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 26.4 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The experiment shows signs of SMI, in particular, the effects of focusing/defocusing of the beam by the SMI. |
Experiment: E209 - Study of the Self-Modulation of Long Lepton Bunches in Dense Plasmas and its Application to Advanced Acceleration Techniques Shift Start: 2015-04-13 14:34:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.06 ± 0.45 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 41.28 ± 5.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 47.71 ± 25.27 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 26.4 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 14.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Study self-modulation instability in laser-ionized, H2 plasma. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-12 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 3.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We continue to move closer to two bunch operation in H2 plasmas. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-11 16:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Studied electron beam and H2 plasma interaction at 1 torr, 4 torr and 8 torr. At 4 torr, stable deceleration down
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-10 18:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 11.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Checked out new hardware installations to improve experiment stability and diagnostics. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-05 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 9.75 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.75 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 9.75 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Electron beam-plasma interactions were characterized at low pressure (long plasma wavelength) continuing to |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-04 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Beam-plasma interaction in H2 was studies at two densitites (1 torr and 4 torr). |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-04-03 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We showed that previous experiments were hindered by too much glass causing pulse lengthening of the laser |
Experiment: E204 - Proposal for testing of metallic structures periodic structures at FACET Shift Start: 2015-03-29 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 2.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We explore new field - properties of accelerating structures and physics of |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-28 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 16.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 16.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Exciting results for beam-ionized argon. In a relative short interaction region (~10 cm), |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-27 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | 2.0 |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.4 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 30.0 |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | 30.0 |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | 20.0 |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 14.4 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We observed acceleration of beam electrons to |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-03-23 15:10:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 15.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 7.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Studies were performed to quantify the acceleration of a witness bunch in a dieletric wakefield |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-03-21 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 14.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: * Observed evidence of trapped charge in self-ionized pure Hydrogen plasma * Performed a number of parameter scans (pressure,charge,beta*s scan,QS scan) * Characterized the interaction
Experiment: E224 - Visualization of electron-driven plasma wakefield accelerators Shift Start: 2015-03-20 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 14.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 14.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We observed acceleration of electrons in beam ionized hydrogen > 9 GeV. |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-03-17 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 15.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 7.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 15.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The shift goal was to measure acceleration in a dielectric structure using a drive-witness modality. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-15 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 7.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 7.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: * Documented laser before and after shift. * Attempted form a plasma in hydrogen with the laser, but failed. * Tried adjusting grating separation to find optimal compression, but still could not make a plasma with the laser. * Determined that most likely cause of failure is the damaged window between |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-03-14 20:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 4.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: E201 experiment continues to look at dielectric tubes in various diagnostics |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-03-13 15:17:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 11.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: E201 experiment continues to investigate THz radiation from dielectric tubes. Diagnostics were performed to |
Experiment: E225 - Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-03-12 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Tried to ionize hydrogen with the kinoform. We did not. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-12 17:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 1.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Improved software for automatically changing hydrogen pressure was tested. |
Experiment: E201 - Wakefield Acceleration in Dielectric Structures Shift Start: 2015-03-12 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 1.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: To ensure the success of future work the electronics used for data collection |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-20 02:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 0.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Tested a new type of feedback for tracking and predicting bunch profiles. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-08 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: * Performed numerous laser alignment scans with the axicon position, including 2-D raster scans. * Were able to find point of best interaction to within ~50 um. * Were not able to observe deceleration; only transverse effects on e-beam from plasma interaction. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-07 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 6.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 12.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: The laser-electron beam timing for best interaction was confirmed to be stable day-to-day |
Experiment: E225 - Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-03-06 18:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.5 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 8.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 8.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Tried to ionize hydrogen with the kinoform. Went up to 15 Torr but did not see |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-03-04 18:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 1.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 1.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Observed EOS signal, and it still appears as a shadow despite removing the pellicle beam splitter. |
Experiment: E213 - Temporal Limits of Electron-Phonon Interactions Shift Start: 2015-03-04 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 2.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 2.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 50% | | |
Brief Summary: Goals for the shift were achieved. We exposed new type of samples to short bunches to evaluate the effect of strong |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-03-01 20:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 12.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We got through some of our laser-to-electron beam spatial and temporal alignment checks. |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-03-01 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 4.5 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 4.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We succeed in taking all the data we need for EOS check out and diagnostics |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-02-28 16:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 9.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 1.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: We observed a strong interaction with the laser off on >50% of the shots. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-02-27 22:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Successfully re-established H2 plasma aligned to beam. Did optimization of interaction vs transverse |
Experiment: E210 - Trojan Horse Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Shift Start: 2015-02-27 17:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 4.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 5.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 5.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Very successful checkout shift for EOS. A very clean signal was seen with both crystals, |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-02-26 20:30:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.5 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.5 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Verified operation of a new spectrometer screen (wide Lanex screen). |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-02-23 14:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 8.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 10.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 10.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Performed experimental checkouts of hydrogen and laser systems for E200. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-02-20 19:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 0.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 6.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 6.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: Studied Chromaticity in spectrometer with new optics. |
Experiment: E200 - Multi-GeV Plasma Wakefield Acceleration Experiments Shift Start: 2015-02-19 21:00:00 | |||
Requested Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Charge delivered in S20 (E10 electrons/bunch): | Not Available |
Useful Beam Time (hours): | 3.0 | Horizontal beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled Accelerator Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Vertical beam size in S20 (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Unscheduled User Downtime (hours): | 0.0 | Bunch length (rms, microns): | Not Available |
Total delivered+downtime+user off (hours): | 3.0 | | |
% time accelerator support physicist available: | 0% | | |
Brief Summary: There appears to be some nonlinear dispersion on the SYAG screen. |